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Magic Fish Dreaming Team Wishes you Happy International Poetry Day

Can it really already be March? Today is International Poetry day, so what better day than to catch up on news about Magic Fish Dreaming.

We continue to receive the most beautiful letters, photographs, and feedback from fans, children, grandparents, and parents. These thrill the whole team!

Hi June,Just want to tell you that I love your book. Can’t decide what is my favorite poem. Looking forward to read more and more for my grandkids.I love and admire your work. And the illustrations by Helene are just gorgeous.“Secret spot reflecting inner essence of trees but hiding bubbles of crocodiles” Beautiful. This feels like the essence of life itself. And our journey here.Thank you so much. Please do this again.I will surely back you again for bringing something so special to fruition.Thanks again.

Best wishes for you Catherine

Guess what we are reading before sleep time tonight…

Thank you so much.

To all my fellow parents I highly recommend the book.


Reviews and interviews are appearing on some sites we truly love and respect are starting to appear and there are several more on their way!

Magic Fish Dreaming is now in more book stores. Little Gnome, recently stocked our book on their shelves! We're still working hard on this and hoping to add other states when we can.

I am speaking at my very first festival with an individual full length published book. The Sandcliffe Writers Festival (April 29th at Bracken ridge Library 9 am)

I'm working on some more public readings and will announce these soon.

Helene shared about Magic Fish Dreaming, at Romancing the Stars, a fun event where librarians, readers, and creators get a chance to know each other using a speed dating format.

Although things are going well, we still have a lot of books to sell, so to all our fans please keep letting

people like librarians, grandparents and teachers know about the book!

I've put in some submissions to various events that I think may help us spread the word about the book, so your positive thoughts that we succeed in this endeavour is appreciated.

I've also shared quite a few new poems on Australian Children's Poetry blog, if you want to go read. I'll post some here when I get a chance and am busy working on some future books.

All the very best!


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