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Young Writers' Endeavour

Worked as guest poet mentor  2018-2019  for this project


Dear June,


Thanks again for joining us for the livestream last week, and for submitting such a wonderful video for the Young Writers' Endeavour. 


The participants really loved hearing from you and hearing your poetry, and their own poems really reflect how inspired they were by the interactions they had and the work they read.

Feedback from Participants


Sonia: I like how you elaborated on the diversity of poetry and the ways it can be used. I also enjoyed your poem.

Shayan: I love and appreciate your work, and would love some tips and tricks.

Kiara: Thank you for all your amazing insights and advice! 


We hope we get to speak to you again sometime in the future. Both of us learned a lot from you and we really appreciate the time you put into helping us on this humble project.

Hope and Nasim, Facilitators - Young Writers' Endeavour, July 17, 2019

For more information on this VISIT THE WEBSITE

The 2020 Program included a zoom exchange of young poets. 


Visit this link for more information and the poem June wrote to the young poets

Pictured are some of the guest poets and facilitators in this program.

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